Sample of All FAQs (Helpie FAQ)
Helpie FAQ
- How much does it cost to see Dr Gubbay for gynaecological or fertility management?Please fill out our contact us form here and our gynaecology information pack will be emailed to you directly. It contains everything you need to know about prices and preparation.
- Is there a waitlist to see Dr Gubbay for fertility or gynaecology?Once reception has received your referral, Dr Gubbay will triage it. Depending on the urgency we aim to see all patients within 2-8 weeks.
- Can I bring a support person with me to my appointments?We want you to feel at ease and supported. If it is your choice to bring a support person then we encourage it.
- Can I bring my children with my to my appointment?Pregnancy care needs to be accessible to parents. We understand that childcare is not always on hand and we welcome your children to attend your appointments with you. The front desk is more than happy to help out with children while you attend your appointment.
- What can I expect at my first appointment?The first step to seeing Dr Gubbay is to get a referral from your GP. This is necessary for you to claim your consult from Medicare and eventually your delivery from your private health fund. At your first appointment we recommend drinking a couple of glasses of water about an hour prior as Dr Gubbay will perform an ultrasound. It is also a good idea to bring any investigations you have had performed that are relevant to the pregnancy. These can include blood tests, ultrasounds and any letters from health care providers. These can also be emailed in prior to your consultation so we have all your information on hand ready to go.
- What is the cost of private obstetric care with Dr Gubbay?The answer can get a bit complex depending on if you have Medicare, private health insurance or both. Luckily we have information packs tailored for these circumstances. Simply fill out a contact us form here and our pregnancy information pack will be emailed to you directly.